型号 / 厂家,封装,批号,备注,订购
FAN431AM / FAILCHILD,TO-92,05+,0755-83980010 订购 PDF文档
FAN431AZ / FAIRCHILD,TO-92,06+,0755-83980010 订购 PDF文档
FAN431AZ-NL / ,,最新批号,现货库存 订购 PDF文档
FAN4803-1 / Fairchild Semiconductor,Datasheet,07+,8-Pin PFC and PWM Co 订购 PDF文档
FAN431AZXA (PB FREE) / ,,,原装现货 订购 PDF文档
FAN431LZ / FAIRCHILD,TO-92,06+,0755-83980010 订购 PDF文档
FAN4800 / Fairchild Semiconductor,Datasheet,06/07+,Power Factor Correct 订购 PDF文档
FAN4803CS1X_NA3C219 / FSC,,07+,全新原装热卖 订购 PDF文档
FAN4803-2 / Fairchild Semiconductor,Datasheet,06/07+,8-Pin PFC and PWM Co 订购 PDF文档